Curriculum Vitae
Iman Youssef El Bastawisi El Gharbawi
2 Midan El Malika Zebeda, El Sahafeen
Cairo - Egypt
202/ 38834900
202/ 335675547
Arabic, Mother Tongue
English, fluently spoken and written
German, fluently spoken and written
French, moderate spoken and written
Social Anthropologist
Professor, Anthropology Dep., the Institute
of African Researches and Studies, IARS ,Cairo University
Former Part Time Professor of Anthropology at the American
University in Cairo (2000- 2014)
of the following courses:
Social Anthropology
Political Anthropology
Economic Anthropology
Anthropology of Development
Applied Anthropology
Anthropology of Religion
Anthropology of Ecology
Anthropology of Kinship
Development Rural
Arab Society (at AUC)
Part Timer
(2000 - 2014 ), Faculty member at the American University in
Cairo, Anthropology Department, and Instructor of the core
curriculum course Arab Society
Affiliate Professor
(2012 -),SAPE Department, the American University in Cairo.
(1975), BA, Department of Sociology and Philosophy,
Alexandria University
(1982), MA, Department of Anthropology, Sociology and
Psychology, American University in Cairo
MA Thesis: Adaptation to a Unique Environment:
El Jebbelya of St. Katherine
(1995), Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Cairo University
Ph.D.Thesis: Bedouin Women in Desert Societies:
A study of Bedouin Women in El Jebbelya Tribe
in South Sinai
Work History
(1987- 88), Free lance Researcher for N C S C R &
UNU: project " Social Support System for the Aged in
Egypt", supervised by Dr. Adel Azer and Dr.
E. Afifi
(1987- 90), Free lance Researcher for N C S CR: National
Project " Social Development in Egyptian Desert
Societies", supervised by Dr. Ahmed Abou Zeid.
(1990- 91), Free lance Researcher for NCSCR: National
Project "The World view of Egyptians",
supervised by Dr. Ahmed Abou Zeid.
(1990), Consultant for the GTZ( Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) project
" El Qaser Rural Development Project in Marsa
Matrouh", submitted a study titlted
" Planning for a vocational and technical training
system for Bedouin women and men in El Qasr Rural Area,
Marsa Matrouh"
(1993- 2003), Consultant for the projects of South Sinai
Protected Areas, St.Katherine Protected Area, submitted a
study titled " Anthropological Survey, the Region of South
Sinai (South of Lat. 29 N)",EEAA,1993
Consultant for the "Ras Mohammed National Park Sector
South Sinai ( 1994 -2003)
Consultant for the Bedouin Support
Programme, St. Katherine Protectorate (1995 - 2003)
The components of the BSP:
- The inception mission to Bedouin Settlements(women
-Planning and implementing the Bedouin Health Delivery
- Planning and implementing first aid programs and health
education programs for wome in the protectorates of St.
-Planning and implementing Income generation
programs for Bedouin men and women in the Protectorate of
St. Katherine,South Sinai :
1) the Crafts Program
2) planning and conceptualizing the Eco-lodge and Eco -
Tourism in El Sheikh `Awad, South Sinai
3) Introducing the compost toilets to Bedouin
General Consultant for the Bedouin
Support Programme, South Sinai, (1999- 2003)
Consultant for the Tourism Development Agency,TDA
Planning and executing the Environmental Center
in Wadi Humaier, Nuweiba, South Sinai,submitted a study
titled "The Anthropological Approach in designing and
implementing the Environmental Center in Wadi Humayer,
Nweiba, South Sinai", TDA, 1998
Member of the Consultancy Team of the UNESCO, headed by
Dr. Samir Ghabour for the declaration of St. Katherine a
Natural and Cultural Heritage Site, a study was submitted with
title " St. Katherine a Natural and Cultural Heritage Site", 2000
Consultant for Taba Protectorate, South Sinai ( 2001- 2003)
- Carrying out Anthropological surveys
-Extending the planning and implementation of the
Health Delivery Programme for Bedouin all over
Protectorates of South Sinai
Consultant for theWetlandcoast Ethnological Heritage Survey
(Al 'Arish and Brullus lake), EEAA,(2002)
NationalCoordinator of a limited international grant
program:CHAP (culture and
health for Africa program) in Egypt,a component of PATH
(program for appropirate technology for health ), and following
up the implementation of 13 projects in Egypt( 2002-2007),i.e.
-implementation of dry food project in St. Katherine
- upgrading the production of Suggar Doll "Aruset El Mulad"
- updating the cotton curdling machine
- Supervisor of a health education program in Haroun, Aswan,
Member of the consultancy team for assessing the proposed
natural heritage plan of the Western Desert, Marsa Matruh
province, the Swiss Fund, the EEAA, Egypt, and submitted a
study as a co- author tilted " Assessment of a proposed natural
heritage plan of the WesternDesert, Marsa Matrouh, Swiss
Fund& EEAA, Egypt, 2003
Consultant and team leader for the bedouin(men&women )
consultation on environmental issues in south sinai, SEAM program,
(2003 - 2004), submitted a study titled " Bedouin Consultation , Environmental
Action Plan, Public Consultation, Community
Perspectives, SEAM Programme, Governorate of South Sinai",
Ministry of Environmental Affairs, Egypt, 2004
Consultant and field leader of the sociology team for “ the project
of the national medicinal plants surveys in the western desert
oases”, The National Research Center and the UNDP (2004-
2005), co- author of the study titled "Medicinal Plants in the
Western Oases", UNDP & NRC, Egypt, 2005
Consultant and team leader of the salum project IUCN, 2006 and
submitted a study as a co- author titled " Toward Marine
Protected Area, Success: The Human Dimensions of a
Prospective MPA in Salum, Egypt", Commonwealth Scientific
and Industry Research Organisation, Townsville, Australia 4810,
December 2007
Consultanlt Member of the National Committee for Intellectual
Property for Medicinal Plants, Ministry of Enivronment, Egypt,
Societal Work
: Executive General Secretary of the NGO"Central
Association for Developing and Promoting Environmental Technology
Area of interest
- the Inhabitants of the Peninsula of Sinai.
- Bedouin Culture and Bedouin Societies
- Gender Issues
- Planning and implementing development plans and
- Introducing social services to poor rural areas in Africa
-Cultural Heritage
- Developing Desert Societies
- Developing women in rural and urban areas
- Anthropology and Environment
- Community based developmet
- Inhabitants of Protectorates
- Ecotourism and Ecolodges
- Political Structure of Arab and African Societies
Published Articles
1989, "The Socio-Economic Activities of Bedouin Women in
North Sinai", The 14th International Congress for Statistics,
Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research,
published in arabic at the National Center for sociological and
criminological research, Cairo,Egypt (in Arabic )
1990, " The Concept of Time Among Bedouin
Women in North Sinai", The Congress of Man,
Society and Culture", North Sinai. Published in arabic at the
National Center for Sociological and Crimilogical Research ,
Cairo, Egypt (in Arabic)
1997, " Social and Environmental Dimensions in
Tourism Development", the Congress of
Towards an Integrative Development within a
Secure and Clean Environment in South Sinai,
Sharm EL Sheikh, TDA, (in arabic)
1997, co-author of the article "Inception of the
Bedouin Support Programme in the St.
Katherine National Protectorate, Sinai, Egypt",
in Mountain Research and Development, vol.18
no.3, August 1998 (in English)
2002, " The Legal Rights of Bedouin Women in
South Sinai", in Researches in Arabic
Anthropology, Supreme Council for Culture, Egypt.
(in Arabic)
2001," The Socio- Political Role of The Dinka
Women",The workshop on Dinka, IARS, Cario,(in Arabic)
2001, "Local Culture and the intoducing of Primary Health
Care Service to Bdouin of the Protectorates of South Sinai, a
Study in Anthropology of Development in the Journal of
African Studies, vol. 76,(in arabic) Cario University, (in
2008, (co - author and editor) of "The cultural architecture and
globalization, an applied research on Siwa Oasis", in The
Center of Arabic and African Studies, Cairo, Egypt, (in Arabic)
2003, co- author of " The Assessment of a Proposed Natural
Heritage Plan of the Western Desert, Marsa Matrouh, Swiss
Fund& EEAA, Egypt, (in English)
2004, Bedouin Consultation , Environmental Action Plan, Public
Consultation, Community Perspectives, SEAM Programme,
Governorate of South Sinai,Ministry of Environmental Affairs,
Egypt, (in English)
2006, The Socio- economic and cultural perspectives of
Wahataya (Inhabitants of the Western Desert) on Medicinal
Plants, Journal of African Studies, vol. 75, (in English)
2007, Co- author, Toward Marine Protected Area, Success: The
Human Dimensions of a Prospective MPA in Salum, Egypt",
Commonwealth Scientific and Industry Research Organisation,
Townsville, Australia 4810, (in English)
2007, "Traditional Healers Perspectives towards Traditional
Healing :A Comparative Study on the Kukuy Kenya and St.
Katherine, Egypt", in Health and Disaease in
Africa, IASR, Cairo University, (in Arabic)
2009,"The Cultural Challenges Facing African Women in
Producing and Sustaining Food", in the workshop on the role of
Arab and African Women Facing World food Crisis;Challenges
and Solutions,Cairo University and African Union, Egypt, (in
2009, "The Role of Civil Society in The Conservation of Wildlife
and Management of Protected Areas", in the Reginal Workshop on
Wildlife Conservation and Protected Area Management in the Near
East, Damascus, Syria, 25-28 May,2009 (in English)
2011, The cultural and social change in an Egyptian village, Mit
Ghorab, Dakkahlia Province(under publication)
2013, The participation of local community in managing protectorate
areas , the case of ST. Katherine, South Sinai, UNESCO workshop at
the Institute of African Research and Studies
2015, “Community participation in delivering women primary health
care program in South Sinai,” in Egyptian Women in Remote Areas,
the Center for Studies, Ministry of Culutre (in Arabic).
2016, co-author, The Health and social perspectives of poverty in
Kampala: an anthropological vision, the international conference :
Africa: new prospects, IASR, Cairo University
2017, co - author, Women as reflected in egyptian tv commercials,
ISSN:2188-9643 The European Conference on Media, Communication
& Film2017: OfficialConference Proceedings- (in
2017, co- author, “Ecological challenges and their impact on the roles
of African Women, field study in cultural anthropology“, in the
international conference“Women making future”, Ain Shams
2017, The Role of Media on social and cultural changes in remote
areas, between facts and hopes, the case of south sinai, the conference
on Media Facts and challenges, Beirut Arab University, Beirut.(in
Published Books;
2004,Co - author, Bedouin Consultation , Environmental Action Plan, Public
Consultation,Community Perspectives, SEAM Programme, Governorate of South
Sinai", Ministry of Environmental Affairs, Egypt,
2007, Contributor, Ears To The Ground, An Exploration OF African
Culture and Health, Ford Foundation and PATH, Nairobi, Kenya, (in
2008, Women in Desert Societies, El Gebalya Women In South Sinai, Ministry of
Culture, Cairo, Egypt (in Arabic)
2008, (editor), Local Cultures and Globalization, Center for Arabic and African
Studies, Egypt, Cairo (in Arabic)
2010, Migration Intentions of Iraqis Living in Egypt, International
Organization for Migration, Geneva, Egypt, (in English)
2015 co- author and editor: Egyptian Women in Remote Areas, the Center
for Studies, Ministry of Culture (in Arabic).
2015, co-author , Beni Shankul, people on the Sudanese- Ethiopian
borders, the center of Arab and African studies, publisher Geziret el ward,
Cairo (in Arabis)